GEMSTONE Open calls

*Target SMEs 60K€ support maximum


It’s a project of the Euro Clusters initiative, whose extended name is:
GrEen Manufacturing SupporTing recOveryand resiliency of industrial SMEs.

Project duration: Sept 2022 – Aug 2025

What is the GOAL?

GEMSTONE has the ambition of mobilizing manufacturing companies,
in particular innovative SMEs, on the challenges
of “Green manufacturing”
by developing adedicated joint service offer and operational and financial support tools
around the 3 pillars:

“Train, Innovate, Explore“

The Project will bear a transversal approach and bring this ambition to

5 Thematic Sectors

  • Energy
  • Mobility
  • Materials
  • Aeronautics/Defense
  • Agriculture/Agrifood

What WE DO?

The partners make the assumed choice to orientate the TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE
and EXPERTISE through awareness-raising WORKSHOPS and bring support via diagnosis activities
to the industrial equipment and tool providers as a priority.

They are identified as being the ideal gateway to end user companies,
the best promoters of innovation to point out and develop digital
and green technology solutions best suited to problems and challenges identified.


Portfolio Map T-I-E (Train-Innovate-Explore) interactive tool contains information about service providers related to improving skills, technological innovation and internationalization of their activities.

“Roadmap” is a guide defining the methods and tools necessary to help manufacturing companies identify their needs and challenges related to the green transition.

Watch the European Webinars

Latest News

[VIDEO] How to apply

In this video, project representatives will walk you through the step-by-step procedure of submitting an application for the GEMSTONE open calls. We encourage you to apply for selected calls!


We invite you to watch the video recorded during the Pitch Session of the GEMSTONE project. The film will present companies willing to cooperate within the INNOVATE recruitment process. We encourage you to contact potential consortium members.

[VIDEO] Presentation of the open calls

We invite you to watch the video recorded during the information meeting on the GEMSTONE project. Project representatives will talk about open calls for applications: TRAIN, EXPLORE and INNOVATE.

Project leader


CIMES Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes